How To Fix Avast Error 42006?

Avast error 42006 occurs when you try to edit Windows registry entries related to Firewall and security. This error also occurs when Avast antivirus crashes when you run any program. This kind of error is very annoying because it takes time to recover. Avast antivirus protects your data from malware infections but it also creates some major problem.

If you are also facing the same error you can fix it on your own. You just need to follow the described methods to fix the Avast scan error 42006. But before going on that part, at first, let’s focus on the causes as well as the symptoms due to which you are getting this error.

Causes For Avast Error 42006

Due to several reasons, you can encounter this type of error with your device. There may be a conflict between the programs at the run-time.

  • You can encounter this error due to a corrupted or incomplete installation of Avast.
  • Secondly, you can encounter this error due to corruption in the registry entry.
  • Due to a virus attack, you can also encounter this error with your device.
  • If another program maliciously deletes the Avast related files.

After knowing the causes, now let’s focus on the solutions to fix this error on your own.

Fix The Avast Error File Is Offline 42006

In the article,  important solutions are described to fix the Avast error file is offline 42006. Try to go through it to perform the troubleshooting task.

Method 1: Close Conflicting Program

Once you encounter this error then, you have to close the conflicting program, in order to fix the matter. In that case, try to follow the steps mentioned below.

  • Press  Ctrl-Alt-Del to open the Task Manager. It will help you to see all the current programs running in your system. After that press on the ALT + T to open the tab of the task manager.
  • Once done, press the down arrow.
  • After that, press the Shift+ down arrow to select all the running programs.
  • Once done, press Alt-E, then Alt-F, and finally x to close Task Manager.

In this way, you will be able to close all the active tasks of your computer. After that, try to check the status of the error. If it persists then, follow the next method given below.

Method 2: Update or Reinstall Conflict Programs

You can also try to update or reinstall the conflicting program to fix the same issue on your own.

Reinstall The Program Using Control Panel

  • For Windows 7 click on the Start button and open Control Panel for Windows 7
  • For Windows 8, you can click Start Button and scroll down and then click More Settings and click on Control Panel and then go to Uninstall a Program
  • To open Control panel in Windows 10 just type “Control Panel” in the search box and go to the Programs and Features
  • Select the program which is creating the problem
  • After that, place a right click over the program.
  • You will be able to see an option showing “Uninstall”.
  • Once done, you will be prompted to confirm the action.
  • Follow the on-screen instruction to complete the uninstallation process.
  • After completing the uninstallation process, go to the developer’s website and install the current version of the program.

Update The Program

If you don’t want to uninstall and reinstall the program, then you can update the same, to overcome the issue in a quick note.

  • First, go to the web browser of your system.
  • After that, go to the developer’s website and download the latest version of the program.

Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the update process. If this error persists after performing these task, then you can follow the next method provided below.

Method 3: Reinstall Runtime Libraries

You might be getting the error because of an update, like the MS Visual C++ package which might not be installed properly or completely. What you can do then is to uninstall the current package and install a fresh copy.

  • Uninstall the package by going to Programs and Features, find and highlight the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package.
  • Click Uninstall on top of the list, and when it is done, reboot your computer. And download the latest redistributable package from Microsoft then install it.

Once done, check the status of the error, if this error persists after performing these task, then you can follow the next method provided below.

Method 4: Run Disk Cleanup

There may be a storage problem in your system.  Cleanup of the storage space. You can clear the cache and restart your system.

To perform the task, go to the directory, right-click on properties and clean the Disk Cleanup.

Wait until your system completes the disk clean up, after that, check whether the error persists or not. If not then follow the next instruction.

Method 5: Update Your Virus Protection Program

You must prevent your system from virus attack. Update virus program and scan your PC. Once done, restart your device.

Method 6: Reinstall Your Graphics Driver

If the bad Graphic Driver is creating the problem then you must reinstall or update it using given steps:

  • Open Device Manager and locate the Graphic Driver
  • Right-click on video card driver and then uninstall it. Now restart the computer and see the Avast error.

If this error persists after performing these task, then you can follow the next method provided below.

Method 7: Run System File Checker

You can also run a system file checker to resolve the issue. In that case, do the following:

  • Click on the start button.
  • In the search box type” command”.
  • Hit Enter to continue.
  • In the command prompt Window, type “sfc /scannow”.
  • After that, hit on the Enter button to continue.

Wait until your computer finishes the system file checking process. Once done, try to run the same program, you will be able to overcome the issue.

Hopefully, using these steps, you will be able to fix the matter on your own. In that case, take a note that,  you have to follow each and every step carefully. It is recommended not to jump any one of case, if you have any further query related to this error, then you can leave a comment in the comment section.

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