Solved Chrome Couldn’t Load Plugin With Most Amazing and Practical Solutions

Google Chrome couldn’t load plugin is one of the very common occuring issues in Chrome. Generally, the users encounter this issue after booting up their Chrome browser. Many Windows users have reported that Google Chrome is giving the couldn’t load plugin error message and it appears somewhat randomly. Even after trying a lot, it has been found out that the users cannot find what are the exact reasons behind the occurence of this issue. Generally, this plugin problem can be caused by pepflash player dll.exe file, Shockwave flash service, and Chrome applications. If any such cause led to the appearance of this error in Chrome, then no need to panic. You are not alone who is encountering such error. So, if you would like to solved Chrome couldn’t load plugin issue, then this article is exclusively only for you. Here, you will get some of the most prominent solutions to overcome this error soon.

Know the Best Tricks to Fix Couldn’t Load Plugin Problem:

Whatever be the reason for which the error appears on Chrome, it can be solved seamlessly, if proper solutions are implemented. In this article, we are going to discuss some handy and quick tricks to solve the problem with ease. You must follow the instructions below.

Trick 1: Renew the pepflashplayer.dll File

In this first method, you have to hit the Windows and E key together and open the Windows File Explorer. Now, you have to follow the below steps one-by-one.

  1. First of all, you need to select the C:\Users\Your Users name\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\PepperFlash.
  2. Then, double-click on the folder.
  3. After that, you will find the version number over there.
  4. Now, you need to select the pepflashplayer.dll file.

Once you have done, you have to tap on the Rename option and then, change the name into pepflashplayerX.dll. After doing all these things, need to restart Chrome and check whether Google Chrome couldn’t load plugin problem is fixed or not.

Trick 2: Remove the PepperFlash Folder

If the previous method doesn’t work out, then you should follow this method carefully. In this step, you have to hit the Windows and R key at the same time to open the Run box.

  1. Now, need to type “%localappdata%” and hit the Enter key.
  2. After that, you need to go to Google/Chrome/User Data and then, right-click on the PepperFlash.
  3. Now, tap on the Delete option.

Once you have done, you should open the Chrome and check that it is working properly or not.

Trick 3: Update Chrome

Sometimes, if you can’t update the latest version of Chrome, it can be the reason for the appearance of this error. So, it is very much important to check whether Chrome is updated or not. If you find any latest version of Chrome, then you need to update it. To do this, you can follow some handy steps discussed below:

  1. At first, select the More options button on Chrome.
  2. After that, from there, choose the Help option.
  3. Then. choose the About Google Chrome option. If there is any latest version available, then it will show you up. Thereafter, you just need to follow the on-screen prompts to update your Chrome browser.

Once you have done, Chrome starts updating automatically. Finally, after updating, you have to restart your Chrome. Hope, the plugin problem will be corrected.

Trick 4: Stop Shockwave Flash Service

In some cases, if you stop the Shockwave Flash service, then you can easily fix the problem. In this step, you need to go to the Google Chrome at first and then press the Shift key and Esc key together on your keyboard. Once you have clicked, the Task Manager will open to you. In the Task Manager, you have to locate and right-click on Plugin: Shockwave Flash to continue the process. Once done, restart your computer and check the problem is solved or not.

Trick 5: Run SFC to Solve Chrome couldn’t load the plugin

If the problem still exists, then you have to try this method to fix the error permanently. In some cases, this plugin problem occurs due to any kind of problematic files. So, it is important to find out the damaged as well as corrupted files. To do this, you need to run System File Checker or SFC. In this method, at first, you have to select Start menu option and in the search box, type cmd to open Command Prompt. In the Command Prompt, type “sfc/scannow” and press the Enter key for scanning. Once the scanning process is done, it can detect the erroneous files and fix the Chrome plugin problem permanently.

To conclude, you can easily solve Chrome couldn’t load plugin issue if you have tried all the above tricks and solutions with care and patience. For better assistance, we suggest you take an expert’s help to get rid of this error permanently.

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