Videos Not Playing On Mac | Troubleshooting Hacks At Your Fingertips

MacBook is the leading name for laptops these days. Zero compromisation with quality and amazing performance makes it popular over the globe. However, Mac Books are not entirely free from flaws. There are times when you might face some problems with your Mac. In case, you need help regarding the problem of videos not playing on Mac, avail expert guidance at your convenience.

Therefore, through this article, we have come along with some of the most accurate fixes that will help you to avoid the mp4 won’t play on Mac error notification appearing on the screen. Besides, we will be discussing some of the most apparent reasons for the error as well. Hence, we recommend you to have a read below to get them all.

Reasons Why Videos Not Playing On Mac

In case you are getting a blank or black screen every time you try to play videos on Mac, then your device needs a fix. There can be reasons why the problem is occurring. In order to solve the issue, you need to know about the problem at first. The solution depends entirely on the cause of the problem.

  1. The file format can be the reason why your videos not playing on Mac. MacOS has some compatibility issues. Usually, .mov, .mp4, .m4a, some AVI and WAV files works fine on Mac. Therefore, check for the format of the files first.
  2. In case you are having problems while watching videos online, then there can be an issue with the website. Check whether the website is available in your country or not.
  3. Again, you might face this problem while streaming videos. Streaming high-quality videos for a long time can cause a glitch. Thus it can result in a sudden blank screen or black screen.
  4. Further, it can be due to cache and cookies.
  5. Sometimes, a virus or malware can cause this problem.
  6. Also, this can happen when your system needs an update.
  7. Finally, your Video Player can be the reason why videos won’t play on your Mac.

However, these are some of the most common reasons. There can be some other complicated issues as well. For example, faulty hardware. In that case, you should follow the solutions given below.

Solutions For Videos Not Playing On Mac

Therefore, now that you are well aware of the various factors that can result in an error when you try to play video in your Mac device, you can move to the solutions. Though there are many fixes for this particular video playing error in your Mac device, not all of them resolves the error completely. Hence, through this article, we have come along with some of the most accurate solutions that are already proved working for a lot of users. You can find them all right below.

Solution 1: Restart Your Mac Device

This is the very first solutions for the video error in Mac. If there is a common issue with your device, you will get a problem. Since you are not conscious of the exact problem, you can start off to troubleshoot the error with a simple restart. So, we recommend you to restart your device and check if this helps to fix the error or not. Then, you can jump to the next solution.

Solution 2: Clear Your Browser Cache

Also, this is another method that you should try to get rid of any error notification while playing video on your Mac device. Generally, the browser you use in your Mac device develops some cache portion. At times, they can cause some common issues. Hence, we recommend you to clear your browser cache to avoid any error. For that, you can have a look at the instructions right below.

  1. To start off with the process, you need to select the Tools option.
  2. Then, you can click on Clear Recent History.
  3. Here, you can also choose time range for your browser to remove the cache.
  4. After that, you need to click on the Quit option. And then, you can restart your browser to check if you can play video.

Solution 3: Make Sure You Have Enabled JavaScript

Apart from that, when you disable JavaScript, you won’t be able to play video through your browser. To play any video in using your browser, it is necessarily important that you enable JavaScript. So, if you fail to play video, you should check if you have disabled the JavaScript in your device. Moreover, we recommend you to enable it to get rid of the video playing issue in your Mac device. So, if you do not know the instructions, you can have a look right below.

  1. To begin with the process, you need to click on the Tools option.
  2. Then, you can proceed with the Options section.
  3. Here, you need to select the Content option.
  4. After that, you need to tick on the Enable JavaScript option.
  5. Now, you can select the preferences dialog and again open the web page.

Solution 4: Upgrade Your Browser

Along with that, the outdated browser can lead to some issues such as video playing error. Like all other software in your device, your browser also requires a periodical update to keep up with the system configuration. Hence, when you do not upgrade your browser, it becomes obsolete and loses its compatibility with the device. Therefore, you should always upgrade your device to the latest version to get the best out of it. So, we recommend you to check your browser for available update. If you find any update pending, you should download and install it instantly to resolve the error. For that, you can follow the instructions right below.

  1. To start off with the process, you need to go to the software updates section.
  2. Here, you can click on the Apple menu icon. You can find it in the left corner side of your screen.
  3. Then, you need to look for your browser update. Also, you need to select the activate option when you find it.
  4. Now, you application store will upgrade your browser. Here, you have to wait until the installation process completes.
  5. Finally, you can open your browser and play a video to check if this method helps to fix the error in your Mac OS.

Solution 5: Remove Third Party Applications

Besides, the third-party applications installed in your Mac OS can cause conflict with other software in your device. Consequently, it can interrupt the performance of your web browser and prevent it from playing any video. So, to avoid this, you need to make sure that you have not installed any third party application in your Mac device. If you have any, we recommend you to instantly remove it in order to get rid of the video playing error. Then, you can check if you still experience the same problem in your Mac OS. for that, we have put together the complete instructions right below.

  1. To start off with the process, you need to click the Finder icon. You can find it in the Dock.
  2. Then, you can go to the menu bar.
  3. Next, you can proceed with the Go option.
  4. Now, you have to locate the Applications section.
  5. After that, you can restart your Mac device and check if you can play now video.   

Solution 6: Confirm That Your Device Is Set To Allow The Content To Play

Also, if your device does not allow the content to play on your device, you will get the error notification appearing on the screen every-time you try to play a video. So, you can check it by going to your video player and change the settings. This way, you can resolve the error with ease. Hence, we recommend you to open your video player and go to the settings and allow the content to play in your Mac OS. For that, you can find the complete instructions given below.

  1. So, to begin with the process, first you need to view the settings for your video player.
  2. Next, you need to select the Control option in your video player.
  3. Then, you can move to the Global Settings.
  4. Here, you will get to see the Settings Manager Help page appearing on the screen.
  5. Now, you need to click on the Global Storage panel. You can find it in the left column side of your screen.
  6. After that, you can move to the Global Storage Settings section. Here, you need to give access to the content to play on your Mac OS.

Therefore, these are some of the most accurate solutions to the video playing error in your Mac OS. Hence, we recommend you to implement them all to fix the error with ease.

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